Thursday, 11 June 2020

Entente Cordiale

Still on a wedding theme, the happy couple in this image are Sybarites 'Yves' (groom) and 'Patience' (bride) from the 'War and Peace' off-schedule event at the PFDF in March 2008.

They were betrothed at an exclusive invite-only ceremony in a grand Parisienne Salon on 13th March 2008. The guests were led up a grand marble and stone staircase to a spectacular room, where they were then shown into another room where the ceremony took place. The Padre declared them married and the guests toasted them with absynthe.

All the guests were in awe of 'Yves' and 'Patience' so imagine our surprise and delight when we were actually all presented with a huge box containing both dolls!

The dolls are unique given the fact that they are made of french resin and both sculpts have never been repeated. Superdoll decided against using this resin again as they were not sure of its properties and how it would age. I have to say that I have had these dolls since 2008 and they still look great to me.

The 'Yves St Evangelist' sculpt is based loosely on the likeness of supermodel Linda Evangelista. The Union Jack frock-coat is inspired by a David Bowie jacket. 'Patience Myristil' is based on the French legend 'Marianne'. Both dolls are studio pieces, hand-painted by Charles and represent a symbolic union of England and France and are an edition size of only 30.

'Yves' and 'Patience' (seated on the 'Discobum' chaise) are wearing their default outfits, apart from 'Yves' wearing the stiletto boots from 'Sabbatha', all by Superdoll. Diamond tiara off ebay and Union Jack sequinned cushion by Doll-scum.

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